Everyone with a lawn knows the only way to ensure it stays pristine year-round is taking care of it. Frequent care and maintenance are two key factors in ensuring you have a pristine lawn that your neighbors will fawn all over. Here is our how-to guide to edging a flower bed and more gardening tips to keep things looking good.

How to Edge a Flower Bed

The first step in edging a flower bed is to plan the edge. Like all artists, you have to plan your garden out. After all, isn’t a garden just a colorful, artful reflection of you?

A woman is seen edging her flower bed with Kwik Edge's garden edger

The Quick Way

The KwikEdge tool makes it easy to get a manicured look out in the yard—fast. One motion is all it takes to trim the invading grass edge, cut the roots, and groom soil back into beds.

A person is seen applying foot pressure to a Radius Garden root slayer in order to dig up soil

The Root of the Problem

Should you encounter any particularly stubborn roots as you edge, worry not. The Root Slayer by Radius Garden is designed to tackle even the toughest obstacles. Lined with rip-saw teeth, it cuts through thick roots with ease. Better yet, it’s even guaranteed for life.

A woman kneels down in her garden and uses BareBones Living gardening tools to turn up soil

Weed Out Unhelpful Greenery

90º angles are the best way to prevent weeds from growing into or out of the garden bed. By refining the edge with a spade or shovel, like those from Barebones Living, lines will look cleaner. And when you pack in the soil, it makes it harder for weeds to grow or crabgrass from entering.

A man changes the position of his Yard-X 5-in-1 garden multi tool

One Tool, Five Jobs

The Yard-X 5-in-1 Multi-Tool might just be the only tool you need for general gardening. Hoe and slice, rake and smooth, scrape and cut, edge and chop, and aerate and loosen with a sharp steel blade and tines. Lightweight, durable, and stores upright for a convenient solution to all gardening woes.

A man drills a hole in his garden using a MAXBIT garden hole digging drill bit

Dig So Fast

Digging holes can be messy work, but the MaxBit garden hole digging drill bit makes it the easiest part of gardening. Simply attach the drill bit and pull the trigger to eliminate all stress and mess of planting new fruits, vegetables, flowers, or any other crop you can’t wait to display.

The Finishing Mulch

While it’s not the best smelling job, mulching is by far the most effective. Mulch not only suppresses weeds but also helps in water preservation. Not to mention it adds a rich, dark color to the edge. This method will make your garden look neat, contained, and beautiful with very minimal effort.

Whether you’re starting a new flower bed, or maintaining a current one, we have the tools you’ll need to learn how to edge a flower bed and ensure your garden looks pristine all year round.

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