Together, Grommet and GiddyUp are paving the way for makers to connect with the millions of people who want and need their innovative products most. 

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that we need makers and entrepreneurs now more than ever.  

They continue to lead the way in helping us all live a little better. Their products improve our health, the way we work, the technology we use, the way we eat, drink and celebrate the good times and the bad. 

In short, they give us choices — choices we wouldn’t have if we left everything to the “big guys”. 

Makers and entrepreneurs don’t accept good enough

Instead, they ask: “How could this be better?

But these businesses face an uphill battle. The most unique and innovative products aren’t getting the visibility or distribution they deserve. Big retailers and national chains are still reluctant to take a chance on new products and businesses, so people have no opportunity to discover them and they wither on the vine. 

Additionally, marketplaces like Amazon and others continue to be places where makers get knocked off, undercut, and prevented from building direct relationships with their customers — which they need to get feedback and ensure they are exceeding their customers’ expectations. 

Since 2008, Grommet has been focused on helping the best products win.

Our mission is to be the place where you find wonderful things that make you wonder how you ever got by without them. 

Sure, ultimately what we discover and share with you are products. But what we bring you is much bigger. It’s a better choice. A better future. A world where better ideas win.

As it turns out, we’re not alone in this mission — because when our friends at GiddyUp heard we were going out of business, they decided to step up and do something about it. 

“We’ve been huge fans of Grommet since they opened in 2008. Their passion and expertise for discovering and championing innovative products from small businesses  is unmatched. They’ve helped millions of shoppers who don’t want to settle for inferior products. When we learned that Grommet was at risk of going away forever, we knew we couldn’t let that happen. We worked with Ace Hardware to acquire the brand to ensure they can live on for decades to come.” – Topher Grant, GiddyUp CEO

So who is GiddyUp?

Since 2013, GiddyUp has also been a major player in helping small businesses with innovative products get in front of shoppers across the globe. 

However, unlike Grommet, GiddyUp has never been an online store or shopper-facing website. Instead, they’re a secret weapon for small businesses. GiddyUp provides them with powerful tools and partnerships that help them sell their products directly to millions of shoppers across the world.

Over the last decade,  GiddyUp has helped shoppers discover incredible products like LifeVac, iMemories and more – to date, they’ve helped more than 100 small businesses drive over $1 billion in online sales from millions of people in 100+ countries. 

In fact, Grommet and GiddyUp have even helped some of the same small businesses succeed, like CarbonKlean, Bondic, KeySmart and more!

So now that you know more about the company who saved Grommet…

Here are 4 Reasons why Grommet and GiddyUp are a huge win for makers and shoppers:

1. We’ve both made it our mission to help makers, entrepreneurs and small businesses compete against the “big guys.” We love nothing more than getting great products directly into the hands of the people who want and need them most. For you, that means an even bigger selection of innovative products you never knew were out there!

2. Our visions are 100% aligned. We both exist to inspire and empower people to live a little better AND create a better future where the best ideas and solutions win! 

3. We’re both extremely selective of the products and businesses we share with our shoppers. Grommet and GiddyUp consider thousands of products every year, and after fully vetting them, less than 3% of everything we look at makes the cut. This ensures you can always trust the products we curate. 

4. Worldwide exposure for small businesses with great products. While Grommet has primarily focused on showcasing innovative products to millions of shoppers in the USA, GiddyUp helps bring even more exposure to these small businesses – promoting their products to hundreds of millions of people in over 50 countries!

So what’s next for Grommet?

All of us at Grommet are extremely excited about this next phase in our history! Everything you’ve come to know and love about Grommet is staying the same, and we’re adding two exciting new twists that you can read more about here.

Together with GiddyUp, we look forward to sharing thousands of innovative products with you for years to come.

Happy discovering!

– Team Grommet

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